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Conway’s Game Of Life in 3D


Ever heard of a zero-player game? Well, that's what Conway's Game of Life is. You can think of it as a very basic evolutionary simulation based on some very simple rules.

As a famous Chinese philosopher once said: "Gifs say more than a thousand words", so here we go:

The rules of the 2D Game of Life are simple:

  1. A live cell with one or zero neighbours dies due to underpopulation.
  2. A live cell with two or three neighbours lives.
  3. A live cell with more than three neighbours dies due to overpopulation.
  4. A dead cell with exactly three live neighbours comes to live due to reproduction.

If you implement the above rules, you get Conway's Game of Life.

So what's this tutorial about? Let's see how we can apply the above rules to a 3D Game of Life!

2 thoughts on “Conway’s Game Of Life in 3D

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